Place of Saltwater Cushion
This beautiful cushion features artwork by Shara Delaney a descendant of the Ngari Nunagal, Goenbal, Ngugi clan groups of Quandamooka Country, which is located on the east coast of Brisbane.
This artwork is inspired by Shara's homelands Quandamooka Country which is also known as Moreton Bay. We are the Yoolooburrabee ‘People of the sand and sea. Dabilbahnba (‘place of saltwater’) is themed around the representations of Quandamooka people’s knowledge, teachings, and spirituality. The importance of water is significant to our people, it ties in with our cultural beliefs and practices, the place where we source our food. This design was inspired by the patterns and colours of the sand at low tide. The memories of Shara's dad going out to hunt mud crabs at low tide along Moongalba and the women digging the sand with our feet for eugaries (pippi shells) along the back beach on Minjerribah. We keep these cultural practices flowing into the next generation. Looking back on the dreaming creation period, Shara is influenced by the journeys of the ancestral pathways through land and sea. The knowledge is rests within the land, it forms our identity as saltwater people (Goori’s).
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